HR Society Has Two membership Categories, being:

Corporate Membership

This membership is awarded to Consultancies that provide HR Services to Businesses in Botswana and is renewable on a yearly basis.

Individual Membership

Individuals performing HR functions are categorized into 6 levels of depending on Qualifications and HR related work Experience.

Category Application Fee Membership Fee Annual Subscription Fee Total (for new admission)
Graduate Human Resources Practitioner (GHRP) 0 years P50.00 N/A P150.00 P200.00
Associate Human Resources Practitioner (AHRP) 0 - 3 years P100.00 N/A P400.00 P500.00
Chartered Human Resources Practitioner (CHRA) 4 years+ P100.00 N/A P500.00 P600.00
Certified Human Resources Academia (CHRA) 0 - 5 years P100.00 N/A P500.00 P600.00
Fellow of Human Resources Academia (FHRA) 15 years+ P100.00 N/A P500.00 P600.00
Fellow of Human Resources Practitioner (FHRP) 15 years+ P100.00 N/A P500.00 P600.00

Membership Categories

This category is mainly for undergraduate students, graduates of internships or volunteers looking to gain experience in the HR Space. These graduates will usually have a Mentor in CHRP category overseeing their development and reporting to the society at the end of the mentorship period. Work experience: 0-2 years
Associate Practitioners are employees in the entry level of their careers. This category is reserved mainly for Assistant HR Officer, HR Assistant etc with less than 3 years’ experience. Associates are also mentored by Chartered HR Practitioners who shall over see their professional development and ensure they graduate from Associate to Chartered HR Practitioners. Work Experience: 2-5 years
These are Senior Officers to senior management level members of our society who have advanced experience in the Practice. Here you find your Assistant HR Managers, HR Business Partners, Principal HR Officers etc. They are tasked with mentoring Graduate and Associate HR Practitioners, oversee their development and their graduation from one level to another. Chartered Practitioners are mentored by Fellows of Human Resources who shall ensure smooth transition from Chartered to a Fellow of Human Resources. Work experience: 5 years+
CHRO, Group HR Managers, HR Directors, HR Executives etc are the intended members of this category through their extensive years in the profession, their relentlessness and their sacrifice to the profession. They have are expected to ensure the smooth running of the HR function through mentoring Chartered practitioners and overseeing the mentoring of Graduates and associates. Work Experience: 15years +
How To Join?

The Society seeks to address the needs and represent the views of all human resource Professionals. Thus, its membership is open to all HR professional. HR professionals at a variety of levels are strongly encouraged to participate in Society activities through our roundtables, advisory boards, working groups and conference calls. Also, there is no limit to the number of HR professionals that can be registered for access to our members-only website and our electronic news services, a feature that makes the Association extremely cost effective in staying on top of HR Developing trends.

Download the relevant Application Form Below and follow instructions.

Our People (Our Approach)


The Human Resources Professional’s Society- Botswana coordinates the and oversees the interests of all qualified and registered Human Resource Professionals in Botswana.


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